Middlesex County Volunteer Firefighter and EMT Zachary Motta Indicted with Charges of Producing Child Pornography July 12, 2017
Attorney General • Bergen County Ponzi Scheme Collapses, So-Called “CEO” Omar Hafez of North Arlington Sentenced to 46 months of Prison July 8, 2017
New York County Rikers Island Inmate Chavarr Gilliam, Found Guilty of Harassment of Correction Officer July 8, 2017
New York County Devin Brown Indicted with Assault Charges from Lower East Side Attack on 61-year-old Woman July 8, 2017
Essex County Andre Higgs Found Guilty of Murder of East Orange Teacher Latrena May on Her Front Porch July 8, 2017
Bergen County • New York County Police Identify and Arrest Sheldon Lee as Second Motorcyclist in Fatal High Speed Chase July 8, 2017
Essex County Jury Finds Edwin Andujar of Belleville Guilty of Stabbing his Roommate to Death July 8, 2017
Middlesex County John Fricovsky of Edison NJ-Sentenced to Nearly Eight Years of Prison for Distribution of Child Pornography Charges July 8, 2017