NJ Board of Nursing Temporarily Suspends License of Atlantic County Nurse Accused of Repeatedly Stabbing a Ten-Year-Old Autistic Patient With a Hypodermic Needle for not following directions
Psychiatrist Dr. James Cowan, Jr., of Ridgewood Agrees to Temporary License Suspension for allowing is wife to presecribe CDS
Ex-Camden Firefighter Sentenced to Prison for Stealing $82,000 by Collecting Disability Pension While Competing in Martial Arts
Dr. Vincent Esposito of Madison Sentenced for Illegally Distributing Oxycodone to People Without Valid Need
Jason Crozier got Five Years in Prison for Attempting to Steal Thousands of Dollars from Elderly Relative’s Annuity
Another Top Birdsall Executive Sentenced to Jail for Evading Pay-To-Play Law With Illegal Political Contributions